Trash and Recycling

Trash Collection - Wednesdays
Saybrooke contracts with MBG for once-a-week trash collection. Collections occur on Wednesday. MBG will collect up to two (2) 64-gallon containers per household. All trash must be household waste, in a closed container, and to the curb by 8 a.m. on the day of collection.
Holiday Trash Collection - Thursdays
If a holiday falls on the regular trash collection day, then collection will take place the next day. Trash pickups affected by holidays are: New Year's Day, Independence Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas Day.
Recycling and Yard Waste Collection - Mondays
Recycling and yard waste collection are performed as part of the services provided by the City of Gaithersburg, not Montgomery County. While the rules are similar, you should follow Gaithersburg's guidance. The city provides recycling bins and residents can request new and replacement bins online. Yard waste should be placed in biodegradable brown paper bags or bundled with string.
There is a once per week recycling collection. Your recycling cart/bin and yard waste must be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on the recycling day. Recycling that is not at the curb by 7 a.m. may not be collected. Saybrooke's collection day is Monday.
Holiday Recycling Schedule - Saturday prior
If a holiday falls on your regular recycling day, then collection will take place on the Saturday before the holiday. Recycling must be placed at the curb by 7 a.m. on the alternate collection date. Holidays affected by recycling pickup are New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day.